GTX Water-Resistant Cream Paint - True White

Manufacturer: GTX Face Paint
SKU: GTX-waterproof-white

This is the new GTX proprietary formulation of water-resistant cream body paint!

  • Silicone-based formula: Designed for extended wear, making it perfect for long jobs or performances.
  • Creamy texture: Easy to blend and apply, with a consistency similar to acrylic paint.

All ingredients are FDA approved as well as MOCRA registered. 

How to Use:

  1. Pump a small amount of paint onto a non-porous palette.
  2. Apply with a brush or sponge to the skin.
  3. Allow to dry between layers for best results.
  4. To remove, use oil or an oil-based makeup wipe.
  5. Clean your brush with alcohol (but never mix alcohol with the product—it doesn’t dilute the silicone-based formula). Allow brush to dry before using again. 

 How to remove GTX cream face paint?

Remove the paint from the skin with an oil based skin cleanser, micellar water, or oils like coconut, olive etc. Rub into the paint until it breaks down and then rinse away.  It may take a few minutes of rubbing to get all of the paint to release from the skin before you rinse. 

Warning: Do not use a wet brush or dilute the paints with water or alcohol because they are silicone based. It will ruin the paint if you add anything to it and will lose it's long lasting water resistant properties.


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